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Tips To Help Prevent Teenage Acne

Teenage acne can be a big problem because it can make your teenager feel self-conscious, or it can cause other issues, including other children making fun of or teasing your child about their acne. If your teenager is beginning to have issues with acne, or you just want to get on top of the situation to prevent this type of issue from plaguing your teenager, there are a number of things you can do about it. Read on for some tips to help prevent your teenager from getting acne. 

Teach Your Child To Wash Their Face Properly

Your child needs to wash their face properly in order to prevent oil and bacteria from building up in their pores. You should make sure your child has a face wash and uses a washcloth to wash their face. Apply the face wash to the washcloth and lather it into the cloth, then apply the lathered washcloth to the face and wash it all over the face, making sure to get the most acne-prone areas such as the nose, forehead, chin, and cheeks. Your child should wash their face daily to help prevent acne and to clean their pores.

Give Your Child A Proper Diet

Be sure you are feeding your child a proper diet, including fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. Try to limit the foods that may cause acne, such as greasy or oily foods, or sweets. Be sure your child is eating a lot of natural foods without a lot of fillers or additives and is also drinking plenty of water during the day. Drinking water can help keep the skin hydrated to prevent it from drying out. If their skin gets too dry, it can cause too much oil production and will lead to more acne. Teach your child the importance of a healthy diet and how it can affect their skin.

Keep Their Pores Clean

Teach your child how to keep their pores clean by showing them what their pores are and not only how to clean their face, but to keep their hands off of their faces to prevent the buildup of oils in their pores. The transfer from your child's hands to their face can cause acne. If they have to touch their faces, they need to be sure they wash their hands before they touch their face to prevent the spread of oil and bacteria.

If your teenager has acne already, or you are just trying to prevent acne in your child, there are things you can do to help. Take your child to the dermatologist if they have issues with acne to help treat it properly.

Contact a local dermatologist to learn more.